
Customer Testimonials

“After thoroughly researching the network management marketplace, Touchpaper found Castle Rock's Network Manager software to be the clear winner.”
Doug Elsley, ITSM Product Manager - Touchpaper Software plc.


At Castle Rock we’re totally focused on providing you with market leading Network Management software. Our products allow you to take control of your network, regardless of size or complexity.

SNMPc Enterprise

Visualize, monitor and pro-actively manage your network. SNMPc is a secure distributed network management system that will monitor your entire network infrastructure. [More...]

SNMPc OnLine

An advanced reporting engine for SNMPc Enterprise with a dynamic web based front-end. Flexible presentation options include Microsoft Visio Graphics, pre-canned reports, high-level summaries, and custom dashboards. Additional statistics can be collected from NetFlow/sFlow devices. [More...]